Monday, November 2, 2015

Do Over

It's time to begin again.

Nicki & I near the summit of Thumb Butte.

My Fitness Quest ground to a halt; my former career was over.  My life had been turned upside down, and I didn't know what I was doing.

Until now.

I'm so easily motivated.

Time to restart a business, with a friend who partners with me.  Time to restart a quest, simply because I can.

So very true.

In the past week, I've gone from wondering how to correct a wrong path to changing the entire destination.  Horrible things have happened, and wonderful things have occurred.  Never before in my life has there been such extremes; tumultuous doesn't begin to describe the waves. 

It started last Sunday, when a thirteen year old girl committed suicide.

The California girls.

She was a good friend of my daughter's, often staying at our home.  She had the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen, and now she was dead at her own hand.  I watched my baby girl bravely call her friends and share the devastating news; strangely proud as she calmly and graciously shared of their friend's passing.

This week has seen her tears and mine; last Wednesday I made the final decision to move forward.

I also got to get steampunked, which is always cause for celebration.

 Poison Ivy & I.

From top of the world to the depths of despair, my heart has seen and felt it all this past week.

So thankful for the chef's in my life.

And so today it starts again:  a new quest, a new business. Perhaps I should just call it what it is:  a new life.

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