This was the first (and last!) day we had gifts under the tree!
It also marked the eighth day in a row I’ve done two things: stretch, and practice Scottish Gaelic.
I also found treasure while hiking, likely for the eighth time.
Stretching. Three days in, I invited the Buckeye to join me.
Because while we clean up well, we both are about equal when it comes to fitness since his accident a year ago.
Join me he did, and I’m so glad for it. You see, I would have quit three days ago. I was getting discouraged by it, and frankly, I was sore.
No cardio, no Pilates, no yoga....just five minutes of stretches.
Which DOES burn 27 calories, but still.
The past few days, my thighs have protested. My upper back pain, however?
I’m ridiculously pleased I exercised my way out of pain....but even more pleased I no longer work at the building behind me....
Last night at Christmas Eve service I noticed I stood taller, since my shoulders weren’t pulling forward. I noticed my hips went into position better, too, and my overall posture had improved. With just five minutes of stretching a day.
Eight days in, my body was doing better. All because I didn’t quit, and that was due to my partner, the Buckeye.
At the Symphony. I remembered to say slàinte at dinner instead of cheers!!!
We decided to stretch everyday together, and add one minute a week to our routine until we get to 30. He’s just as inflexible as I am, and it’s a joy to start at the same point. Lately we’ve hiked at least once a week together, and often I join him on his evening dog walk.
Constellation hike.
A few weeks ago, he had an unexpected call. He received an order on a product, and we decided to deliver it ourselves. The twelve hour road trip had an unexpected benefit; an hour from home he had an epiphany. He was done seeking crumbs.
Everyday since has been amazing.
In a blink, the man I thought I had lost was back.
This man: last seen in March 2018, seen here on 12/31/17.
My husband joined me in stretching daily (although he left Gaelic to me....oh!!! I love it! We hiked Ham and Cheese trail and I was all “Hama agus Cìas!”) and rejoined me in a life of walking by faith, not by sight. 2019 has been a rough year, and yet....
Manchild & Princess, laughing this morning at breakfast.
Joy has return to our home.
True joy, that is our strength and stronghold. Just as I feel changes with just one week of stretching behind me, and I’m translating a word or four out of my week of studying Gaelic, so too is life in our family changing for the better.
Never has this been more true than this year.
Little steps. Little reminders. Partnership.
Already, 2020 will be better than I ever thought it could be :)
Praying it continues to be.
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