Saturday, March 21, 2015

27: Jello Jiggles & Lead Sleds

I woke up hurting.  Again.

The soreness moved from place to place, but it's there.

Pretty much All. The. Time.

I think people quit when it's like this.  I'm tired and I hurt and I see no change when I look in the mirror.

I see jello.  Lots of jiggly jello.

Of course, it was 4:30am when I woke up, and poor night's sleep doesn't help.

Then there was the fact I had to eat.

Mr. Paleo, aka the King of Athletics, had been arguing about carbs.  He seemed to think all were bad.

This was our compromise, as I explained to Jim:

Today I was back at CrossFit Prescott, and we talked about the recent acceptance of quitting by society.  Patrick was there; he, Joey & I all are in the same BNI group.

"It's a lack of mental fitness," Patrick claimed.  "People quit because their mind allows them to; it's excuses, and expectations not being met."

Oh, I agree with that!  I look in the mirror and see horribly jiggly skin and a body that (to me) looks far worse than six weeks ago.

"People celebrate a minor victory and quit, feeling that they accomplished something instead of sticking around for the ultimate goal," Patrick continued.  "That, and at just $10 a month, if they skip it, it didn't hurt their wallet."

Joey thoughtfully stroked his beard, and pulled out his phone.  "Here's my philosophy," he said.

"It's want it or don't. Either use it to push you through, or end it."

Meanwhile, my mind is running calculations.  If 80% of people don't like fitness, and it's due to mental weakness not being dealt with, what if there was a program to get the mind strong BEFORE an exercise program started?

With those wheels turning, we got to today's training.  

Pull-ups like yesterday.  Dead lift squats with barbell.  Bench press.  Barbell squats.  

Oh, and pushing a crazy lead sled on concrete piled with weights.

Not this lead sled, much to my chagrin.

Today, I got five clean pull ups, compared to yesterday's three.  I still can't feel it in my back, and wonder if that neuro path will ever be carved.  The dead lift squats were accompanied with a Southern accent and a flirty "hey y'all." (Seriously, it helped in finding your form.). The barbell squats I rocked, and I had Joey add extra weight.

Then the bench press.  Ooooo-that FELT powerful.  There was a glimmer that I could see me rocking this potentially in the future.

See the half-moon indents from my fingernails?  I was gripping the bar that hard.  Notice blisters, too.  I showed Joey and he said "your welcome."

Just before my last set, the air monster unexpectedly arrived.  This blew me up-I hadn't expected it and it took me a moment to collect myself, calm my breathing and catch my breath.  Who should walk in right then?  The King of Athletics of the Central Highlands.

Have I mentioned how cute he is?  He looked just like this, even after his workout.

I have no idea how crazed I looked, and I wasn't about to snap a selfie.

Damn I want to impress him.

It didn't happen with the pull-ups, unfortunately.

He smiled slightly at the dead lift squat.

I was too focused on the bench press to see if he was grinning, but I suspect he was.

I owned the barbell squats...right up until number eight, and the air monster showed up.  I did two more, and Joey had me rack it for a thirty second break so I could catch my breath.

I then pulled five beautiful ones.

It's not fun.  It still hurts.  But that moment rocked.

I still have to try to eat every few hours, and I'm more sore now than earlier today.  

But I finally engaged.

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