Sunday, March 22, 2015

28: Kissing a Lot

Have you ever told somebody what you want, and you get something close from them, but it's not really what you wanted?

I've been married to the King of Athletics for 16 years, 11 months and 3 days.  Rarely do we miscommunicate on an item so badly as we have the past two months.

While we are on the subject of communicating...

Today, instead of telling him (as I have until I'm blue in the face recently) I showed him precisely what I meant.

I think he gets it now.

And I think he's proud of me, too.

He must love me; look what way he is going.

It's Sunday, and our hike is Thumb Butte. My first major hike is Tuesday (rain or shine I'm going!  Watch out!) and I'm just a bit apprehensive.  Heading up the right trail, I do run out of air quickly, but I'm determined NOT to take a break.  The King tells me that in twenty minutes I'll hit cruise control.  I'm intrigued, because I had noticed that around the twenty minute mark lately my breathing was easier and my pulse had come down.  Sure enough, just shy of the bench we would not sit on, my breathing did let up, and I felt better.

Why men don't like to sit on this is beyond me.

At that point, we headed to the right, up 314. 

At least I wasn't heaving rocks this week.

My "cruise control" lasted the rest of the hike; we quickly conquered this secondary trail.

I rocked some serious braids today.

Last time I was here, I guarantee I wasn't looking up:)

Having done so well, he takes me to lunch, where he explains I'm only eating a half a burger.

Yeah, I was confused, too.

I mean I get the no bun stuff, but half?

He didn't appreciate my gift of croutons, either.

Apparently, to have a beer, only half a burger could be consumed.

Neither of these glasses are mine!

Jim agreed with him, too.

Kinda both...but I'm desperate for a scale!  It's been a week, did I loose weight?

What was truly different about today was the acknowledgement that at 20 minutes into hard cardio, I acclimated.  In addition, instead of stopping, I slowed down.

My reward.  Paleo says it's ok:)

Time to go chop off my gorgeous long nails so I can lift tomorrow (that sounds so odd)!

This is much truer.

And time to sleep.  Exhaustion is real-I worry about this week. And the fact the King wants me to stay at CrossFit....while I continue on the Quest.

And on that bombshell...

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