Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I woke up this morning broke out in hives.

 What follows is my not-quite-lengthy explanation.  If I was a man, no further explanation would have been necessary, but...

So, the quick and dirty:  chin was irritated.  Put a balm on it.  Wasn't better, but more balm on.  Began to sting, and swell.  Washed it, cold compresses.  Freaked out a bit when I found a hard lump the size of a grape under my chin.  Went to urgent care.  Prescribed antibiotic and steroid.

Woke up with hives.

So which one am I allergic to?  The tetracycline or the prednisone?  50/50 I could guess correctly...

 I'm allergic to tetracycline.


So tonight I'm tired, cranky, itchy and exhausted.  The body decided to cascade...and I find myself with no fewer than four minor overzealous immune responses going on.  Add in multiply layers of stress, and what do you get?

 The opportunity to change everything.

My breakthrough on Monday was significant...and it was also the first time in weeks I'd had the chance to exercise.  The build up of stressors has been big-and it's gonna take time to detoxify.

I need to run....regularly.  I need to hike...regularly.  I need to eat healthy....regularly.

To expect any long term results without that regime?

It's not going to happen.


My mantra is four days old...I suppose it's my resolution.  Tomorrow I'll put in my ten hours, and take off a bit early to give a birthday golf cart ride to a little kid.  No chance for exercise due to fading light, but I'm reminded of my plans to start swimming.  I can get that membership tomorrow-afterall, I'll be in town for the birthday ride.

 Annnnnnnnd I may just do something similar to this.  Minus #7.

One day at a time.

Little things, everyday.  

Being patient with myself, while actively working what I can change now.

Balance...in a chaotic time of waiting for a house to sell.  Waiting now, for well over a year, for a life without being tied financially to the ex to finally start.

 Soon.  Really truly.  Soon.

I will make this work.  

These may have helped.


I can do this. 

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