Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I did exercise in the past few days:  I typed for the first time in three weeks!

I also hiked.  This shot was accidental (which is probably why it looks good.)

We did the polka dot trail on the Willow Lake side of the Dells, out to Red Bridge and back.

Breathtaking, isn't it?  You'll never guess who took this picture (not me!)

On the hike, consistently Chris and I took pictures steps apart.  Consistently, his were better than mine.

I'm on top...

He's on top...

I'm back on top...

It's more than just the filter...

The difference is perspective.  I thoroughly acknowledge I have poor perspective in framing a shot, despite thirty years of trying.  Chris, on the other hand, has a natural eye (and maybe some training when he was in the Navy, hmmm?) for photographic perspective; it clearly shows.

Is exercise really about perspective?

Do I hate it because I have no natural aptitude for it?

Oh, I'm back to loathing.

Hiking, that's not exercise (although the BUCKETS of sweat I produced yesterday morning may suggest otherwise).  With my hand still not healed and being nowhere near able to load (no worries, Dr Eric, I'm being fairly good still) I'm still not doing traditional exercise, even though I could.

I hate it, you see.

My perspective is totally skewed back to its negative original.

This, despite no visit from the air monster.

It was too early for him to show up...

And rather surprisingly, my excuse monster stayed home, too.

He left his tshirt with me, though:)

Natural perspective.

Something that is not apparent in my photography or my attitude towards exercise.

My current fitness routine.

I was deep in thought here...

Perspective. Can it be changed?  Or is it something we are stuck with?

I'm of the perspective we can win the National Championship...always am until the season starts!!  

Maybe I'll never like exercise...but can I at least change my perspective?  A fine question.  I'd rather not have to, unless it's fun.  Hiking is fun.  The rest?  I guess I still need to find out.

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