Monday, February 1, 2016

The Questing Continues...

Oh, I have hiked in 2016.


View from Thumb Butte at twilight.  The slide down the steep side was awesome.

Yesterday I did 15 squats while folding laundry.

And today I made banana bread!!

I've got this idea I can start doing my four song workout again.

Although I suspect it may take five (or six) songs to complete.

The truth is, my life has been in upheaval for awhile, and it's time to find a new normal.

Can exercise be a good constant??

He laughs.

Oh, my excuse monster is right here.  Parry is playing on my snow-covered deck, and I'm debating a three-or four-or five song work out.  Can't do it with her right there, he says.

I mean, it's not like she knows about the quest or anything, right?

So I reset my playlist.

Please's not morning.

Probably should ditch the bathrobe, eh?


80 jumping jacks to Good to Be Alive.

20 pseudo push-ups and 20 side tap planks as it switches to Time Machine.

40 sit-ups to complete my time I'm reminded this is for me, and not to impress the former King.  Shut Up & Dance rounds out this set and I can smell my own sweat.

50 squats to Radioactive...the best lifting song I'm thinking how nice it would be to weight these squats...

20 lunges with a finger on the dresser to keep my balance...then a thirty second break with lots of water.

60 second wall sit broken up by Uptown Funk in 27, 20 and 13 second intervals...I collapse to the floor and drink.

It's blurry because I was shaking:)

Wildest latest musical obsession and my cool down.

Done.  Silence.

The howl of the wind intertwined with my still thumping heart.

I did it for me.

Because I want to feel deliciously sore.

Because I want to exercise without a broken hand.

Because I want to walk upstairs without becoming winded.

Because I want my legs to look fantastic when sundress season rolls around.

Because I still haven't done one perfect push up.

Because I'm single.

And this isn't being done to impress anyone.

It's being done just for me.

Maybe this time I'll succeed.

So long as I can have an occasional pop tart!

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