Thursday, June 11, 2015

Anger Management

Let's just say an evening workout does not agree with me in thought.

I was pretty unhappy, but Lad thought my mood funny.

BNI was at 7am, immediately followed by eight hours on the job, and now I'm expected to FREAKING EXERCISE??

It's time for some serious motivation.

Scarfing.  It was either that or death by dread.

Time to flipping row...

Oh, I HATED the very thought and idea of working out tonight.  Everything in me said NO.  I stomped in the house, threw my dress across the closet, and mocked my reflection.

You see, I've gained weight (again) since starting CrossFit.

I'm watching my "maintenance" fuelings, and yet I'm packing on pounds while clearly feeling my muscles change.  Apparently I'm gaining muscle, but that means FAT is hanging strangely like I've never seen it look before.

Nearly done...60lb kettle bell squats, 100+lbs leg press, ring pulls and abs, with those damn bent arm rows in between.

Frustrating is the name of my quest.  NOTHING absolutely nothing, had gone the way I thought it would.  At 17 weeks, I expected to somewhat enjoy exercise and be reasonably fit.  Instead, I struggle with fat, I can only breath hiking because I'm in the lead and I have a still very broken, not healed hand.

I tore off the sweaty wrap after CrossFit.  That large lump is the dislocated bone healing in that position.

At 17 weeks I am stuck doing the mundane workout due to the break, the air monster is still very real, and Ferris shows up more often that not.  Add in the new job, the old job,'s simply not easy to fit exercise in.

This excuse has been brought to you by your friendly excuse monster, call sign Maverick.

But I've managed it...because of partnership and accountability.

I have hiking partners and a lifting partner.  Tonight, I only went to CrossFit because a) Lad was expecting me to and b) Joey was expecting us.

And c) I ate comfort food on the drive in.

I show up at 6am at a trailhead because someone is waiting (or will eventually show up.). I workout because I promised Lad I would be there with him.

Our trip home was smiles.

Dinner was on the grill when we got home, and the sunset was lovely.

There's so much to appreciate.

Life changes.  Sometimes a lot.  I'm finding that with a partner and some accountability, I can go far.

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