Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rich Stuff

Happy 47th anniversary, Dad & Mom.

My parents, Ken & Linda.

Dad is 75, and has exercised every day of his life.  My mom is 64, and recent health issues have been tough.  Their legacy to me concerning exercise?  Slow and steady wins the race.

After work today...
Which is here, and is breathtaking, btw.

...we went to see a special 30th anniversary screening of The Goonies.

My children were not pleased.

I, on the other hand, wanted to do the Truffle Shuffle.

I resisted the urge to quote every line.

I still kept my eyes closed during the scary scenes.
Because I am a scaredy cat.  I've never seen what's behind One-Eyed Willy's patch.

To me, the appeal of the movie boils down to one thing:


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