Thursday, June 18, 2015

Keeping Up

This past weekend, the King & I slipped away to Oak Creek Canyon for some R&R.  

Arizona.  It never ceases to amaze.

One would think that with two guest bloggers this blog would be easily maintained, right?  Of course, they are both single dads, both very successful professionally, both working out and both lacking a wife to nag them to get a blog post done.


The weekend extended into Monday, and I did nothing in the form of exercise all weekend-I needed a break.

Lovelocks.  Guaranteeing you'll want to return-a brilliant piece of marketing...

Thus, the last two days were exhausting. Up at 5am, in the gym before 6am.

Lad had a tough time on Wednesday.

Home late, but at least I had this waiting:

Javelina Leap is a local vineyard.

Add in a hike yesterday right after Crossfit:

Thumb Butte, week 18!  Note the bandage off the hand.

And the new job...

And you have one tired blogger.

I think I need to give my guest bloggers a call, don't you?

Time to go rock this set.

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