Sunday, March 15, 2015

21: Throwing rocks & ditching boots

I'm mad today.

Ha!  I'm 40 paces ahead for a change.

I haven't slept a full night in three nights, waking to lower back pain that keeps me up for hours.

The King of Athletics says I'm grumpy because all I've eaten is four teaspoons of organic peanut butter and a glass of milk. 

It was kinda suffocating.

Our hike today is the easiest one I do:  Williamson Valley trailhead loop by our home.  So easy, I ditch my boots on favor of minimus shoes.  It's just 3 miles, slight elevation change, 1/3rd covered in boulders.  

And cairns.  Vortex, perhaps?

I had no issues with energy despite my "poor choice" in lunch.  In fact, I had a lot of excess energy I needed to burn off.  

Quickly.  Or this was going to happen.

The trail is littered with rocks of varying size.  Bending down, I scooped up one roughly the size of a softball, and hefted it towards a bunch if bushes.

The King was startled for a moment before he began to laugh.  "If you're going to throw rocks, at least throw them properly."

Thankfully we are light years from DC.

I heaved a few more in the same general direction, feeling a bit better with every throw.  Turning, I smacked the King of Athletics in the chest.  "You've made me so mad!" 

Now, I don't condone spousal abuse.  That's why the rocks went toward the bushes, and only my palm smacked the rock hard abs of my husband.

Like hitting those abs will do anything.

Hiking is what I supposed to do to release stress from the body.

Do I look stressed?

He's checking his email.  On a trail.  On a Sunday.

We met up with several others walking the trail; one older couple is hiking to Havsasupai Falls in two weeks, and wanted to "get into shape."  The King and I give each other dubious looks, but the light bulb moment hits us at the same time.

That would be a great place to go for our anniversary next month.

My mood lightens a bit.

We hike on, me still double timing it until unexpected tiredness creeps up.  I have my week to plan.  I have goals to write.  We finish the hike, and make the quick drive home.

I sink onto the couch, weariness overtaking me.  I only awake hours later due to my diamond ring digging into my thigh.

The argument of the morning is still valid, and now I'm really hungry.

But I feel better.

Did I mention I have to visit a nutritionist tomorrow?  Yeah.

We'll see.

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