Tuesday, March 31, 2015

37: Sometimes it's just not enough

So today, after being told by numerous people that The Flume and Watson Lake Dam trails are awesome, I hiked them.

I was a wee bit disappointed.

Oh, they are gorgeous.  Don't get me wrong.


The Flume.

They just weren't the super cardio I was expecting.

Gorgeous, yes.  Strenuous, no.

We are truly spoiled ROTTEN in Prescott, Arizona.  Our trails are amazing, so anything less than spectacular, I can rate "ok."

Because THIS is also Arizona.

I am itching to get back to the Canyon.  April 12th is our next adventure, likely down Grandview.  I am desperate to do an overnight, but lack the permits.

I could just kill Ian out of pure jealousy; he's doing a north rim six day hike right now.  Ugh.

Soooo-I'm getting my ducks in a row.  Planning my hikes 4-13 months out.  Tomorrow is April 1st-gotta call GC if I want to hike and stay at Phantom Ranch one year from now, right?


Today was a big "get your ducks in order" day-an organized laundry room and clean clothes put away was a new adventure.  I acknowledge that I cannot embrace the new while clinging to the old, and am making an effort.  While this morning's hike was not the workout anticipated, it was still quite beautiful.

Lush meant mosquito's, though.

I feel guilty not doing squats.

It's funny how a lack of a workout produces just as much anxiety as if there was one!!

I'm worried about losing what I have (look David-that's twice I used it right!) and I am desperate to stay on track.  I want to workout-but I need individual guidance.

I need to start making some serious cash then :)

Yes, I'm spoiled.

Princesses often are.

Some of the best hiking in the world in my back yard.  World class training.  Fantastic husband.

Yep-I'm spoiled-but I want to earn more. As in, earn the body I know mine could be.  It may not be fun, but I want it-and no one can spoil me with it.

Excuse me while I go so squats:)

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