Wednesday, March 25, 2015

31: Fever! I've got a fever (or two!)

Going into today's workout, I had warned Joey prior I would be hiking the Grand Canyon the day before.  He told me we'd lay off the legs. 

I'm a sucker for landscapes.

 Imagine my surprise when he informed me we were going to utilize the Roman chair, which I knew used hips.  He assured me I could do it-I admit I was dubious.  So he demonstrated:

This looks very intimidating in person.

Then I tried them out.  Joey corrected my form, and made certain I understood the sets.  I then did three rounds of seven; five different exercises all geared towards opening and closing the hips and lower back.


Fun?  As in funny?  Exercise doesn't have to be serious?

For the very first time on the quest, I caught myself giggling out of glee.  These looked silly-but they felt good. Like fantastically awesome stretches. For a change, my height actually made the exercise easier to perform-and again I saw a glimmer of exercise as it could be.


Up until now, I've only known exercise to challenge, push and strain me.  Here I was, with calves screaming from the prior days' twelve mile canyon hike, and my thighs and hips were performing flawlessly on this chair.  It felt fluid for the very first time; I wasn't fighting my height to find the right form, it just happened.  A breakthrough, for certain.

Joey looked dubious when I told him.  He must read the blog:)

I was pretty happy leaving, until I started feeling odd.  Like really cold.

There are two things in life I hate:  exercise & cold.  My workout finished, I headed to the nice sun-warmed car.  I ate my fueling, drank a bottle of water and drove home-in silence.

One reason I adore the Canyon?  It's silent.

Silence is not how I normally jive, and as I grew colder I wondered just what was going on.  I was hydrated, I had eaten.

It never occurred to me I was sick.

Three hours later, bundled up in a sweatshirt and three blankets, my mind suggested a thermometer.


I had hundreds as a child, unfortunately.

I napped, and the tell-tale throb when I awoke confirmed my suspicions:  ear infection.

So the rest of today was laid waste.  All plans cancelled, grumpy, tearful, you name it.

But I had fun this morning...and I can't seem to forget it.

Not quite as much fun as yesterday, but pretty darn close.  Just had to throw in some extra-"oh my word I've got the inner canyon fever" photos:)

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