Saturday, March 7, 2015

13: No Gold Bikini...yet

This morning I finished my fifth and final class at Fusion of Movement, a Zumba/Core/Weights workout.  I loved having it at 9am, and can safely say a morning workout fits better into my lifestyle.  As for Zumba; I liked it, not loved it.  It's fun, but as a gal with no rhythm, it was...interesting.  Score one for the fitness quest - I now know I prefer an early workout instead of a late one.  At least that's some visible progress.
Goals might be a good idea, don't you think?

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Timely.  I realize that in having a Fitness Quest, my journey hasn't been geared towards a goal (SMART or not) as I am open to the discovery process.  Indeed, I did not weigh myself at the beginning of the process, and only took pictures to track my progress.  Initially, my limitations have been so overwhelming I don't believe setting goals would have been wise (I may have become too easily discouraged) but now I can clearly see my first two goals where defined early in my quest:  1)  To defeat the air monster and 2) To hike Thumb Butte without a breathless attack.

Seriously, right?  I found this in yahoo images.  So exciting!
I cannot say the air monster has been defeated, but I know I am making strides.  The breathlessness is not as prevalent.  My endurance is still no more than 3 miles (over the mountainous terrain of Arizona, mind you) when combined with the other 1 hr workouts I am doing, and this is all quite disturbing to me.  I truly felt I'd feel much better by now.

I should look like this, right?

While the first two goals remain the same, I am adding a third goal:  to do a proper pushup at anytime, any place.  I pulled off my first knee pushup today, and was amazed that I could do something that was completely unattainable as most recently as Tuesday.  Other things I have noticed - my posture is much better naturally, and the lower back pain is completely in remission.  Things are improving, even while I see other things unchanging (my hiking pants still do not fit.  This makes utterly NO sense at all.)

Well, it is the culprit when the leg length disappears, so...

I am learning I have to rest, which seems unnatural in the quest.  Today, for example, I have on my hiking gear, ready to throw on my boots and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and 68 degree weather.

It's not going to happen.

Warning brought to you by the King of Athletics of the Central Highlands.

I've been told I'm "frumpy" today.  It's true; I'm not happy.  The house is too messy, I'm too tired and my triceps and external obliques are sore.

Two weeks ago I didn't even know I HAD obliques.

So what to do?  Quit?  Press on?  Eat Sour Cream & Cheddar Ruffles chips with a bag of Chocolate covered Hostess Donettes on the side?

This is my downfall.
And I can eat both bags in one sitting.

I think the the point most people quit is right now.  Either they see some results and think its enough, or they don't see the results they want, and they give up.  I admit, this has become tiresome.  Why do I want to be fit?  Why do I want to continue this quest?  Why am I torturing my self daily?

Parry, Abbie & Charlton
Because when I am 65, and my children have children, I want to take them to the Grand Canyon and hike every inch of it with them.  It's a goal that requires action now for the long term - even though the reward is far away.  My mother did not make good health choices, and depended on vitamin pills to save her from poor health.  At 65 she cannot enjoy an active lifestyle.  I know I have to change my life now to make a good life for myself later.  The quest will help me determine what changes to make to accomplish that (given my lifelong hatred of exercise.)

So, no hike today.  Perhaps none tomorrow.  Time to straighten up the house and take some rest.

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