Sunday, April 5, 2015

42: Vernors is the Best. Thing. Ever.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, comforts you more than an icy glass of Vernors when you are ill.

In Michigan, this stuff is legend.

Maybe it's the ginger, maybe it's the tickley, peppery smell, but nothing soothes the weary soul of a sick person better than Vernor's.

It's a remedy that literally goes back over a century; Vernor's is actually the oldest carbonated beverage in the United States.  My Dad, now 75 years old, fondly recalls his mother nursing him with Vernor's through many an illness.  

Just a few of the testimonials on my Facebook page today.

The last 48 hours have been rough.  101°-103.4° temperatures, due to an ear infection.  I didn't get my antibiotic until yesterday late evening; by then every bone, muscle and joint hurt.  I was constantly chilled, and every chill sent a shudder of pain through my extremities.  I was very leery of dehydration, and made certain to drink plenty while forcing down a few grapes and a banana.  The Fitness Quest wasn't far from my mind-how could I possibly recover from this in time to exercise on Monday?  I had a Canyon hike scheduled for the 12th-would I be too weak?  

We have a mutual friend, Cameron Frye and I.

After a second restless night (during which the King of Athletics stole the blanket repeatedly and reached record timbres with his snoring) I woke up drenched in sweat.  Hoping my fever had broken, I grabbed the thermometer.  No dice, it was 100.4°.  I had dreamed of orange juice, and was desperate to have some; thinking I could talk the King into driving to the store to buy some.  He kindly informed me we had some in the freezer, and he'd whip it up for me.

I was saved by this sludge.  Thank God for frozen concentrate!

Fewer things have tasted as good as that watery glass of OJ.  I struggled to get up, take my meds and readjust, but it looked like I had another miserable day ahead of me.  It's Easter Sunday, and everyone is getting ready for church.  Shortly after they leave, I fall into a deep sleep.

I awoke two hours later, dripping in water.  I honestly assumed I had accidentally knocked an open water bottle on me, I was so drenched.  Realizing it was sweat, I grabbed the thermometer.  98.6°
More telling, the chills were gone.  Just two hours before, the breeze from the open window shook me to my core.  Now, the wisps of wind caressed my skin as if it was the kiss of Spring.  My fever had broke.

While still weak, I was able to grab lunch (a cheese stick!  Woohoo!) and as the hours passed I felt notably better.  Now I'm irritated by the free flowing drainage from my ears to my throat, but I'm no longer in pain- a blessing for certain.  My family came home from Easter Brinch bearing Vernors, and life immediately began to improve.  It's powerful elixir worked it's magic, and soon I was out of bed.  The King & I walked down to the mailbox and back, and of course the air monster reminded me he lived on that hill.  For a change, the King seemed to actually be concerned (don't worry, it won't last) and he even made me dinner.

Tired, but on the mend.

Thankfully, the Quest this week is yoga!  Everything is a suggestion, and I think it's the perfect fit after such a crazy illness.  Afterall, I'm hiking the Canyon a week from today, right?  Gotta get back at it, ASAP.  Maybe:)

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