Wednesday, May 27, 2015

40 paces ahead...

If I had wanted to be, I could have been 40 paces ahead on today's hike.

Gleefully sitting on the bench off the wimpy side trail of Thumb Butte, 2/3rds of the way up.

I hiked in a dress today, because it's a sporty dress.

I also had to work prior to the hike, and it was better than going to those appointments in hiking clothes, right?

Swinging my legs, not out of breath, waiting for Chris to catch his breath.

So it's 15 weeks today since I first hiked Thumb Butte and started my Quest.  For the first time, today I was the fitter hiking partner, totally understanding the horrors of a Thumb Butte climb.

It was sooooo pretty today!

Pretty terrifying, isn't it?

The rock stackers had been there before us.

I'm not unsympathetic to the breathlessness of a first Butte hike, but it was difficult not to smile.  I had conquered this Butte already, and now it was another's turn.

Is the Quest better as a partnership?

Is sharing the rigors of a fitness quest make one more likely to show up?

Since breaking my hand, my fear has been losing what I had earned through sweat.  Now I wonder if my quest is more about relationships than anything else.  

Just what do I hope to find?

Not smurfs.

Already found Bronies.

And that local radio hosts are a hoot.

And that I shoot better with my left vs my right.

Today, I got to be the leader, instead of trailing 40 paces behind.  Perhaps the best thing to come out of the Quest thus far is the growing number of people contacting me, and letting me know they started their own quest.

Just keep moving.

My journey has been up and down (literally) but the one thing that has sustained it is accountability.  Meeting someone to hike, or writing about a local business-I was part of a partnership.  Working (or hiking) with a common goal.

Instead of Just Do It, it's Win/Win.  Exercise is easier with two.  Whether that be a hiking partner for that trail, or a center full of people-it's just better when people are looking for you to show up.

Fitness Quest-keeping it real.

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