Thursday, May 21, 2015

Getting my Butt kicked

Wednesday was supposed to be my easy day.

Try 3 sets of 15 with a 30 second break  as the first stop in your circuit.

Quite honestly, I didn't want to jump.  My brain was in overload; wanting to protect the hand.

Jump I did-and it was exhausting!

The day started with a core class; not too difficult as I couldn't use weights.

Still a balancing act.

The class had over 30 participants, most using chairs.  Joy C. shared with me that SpoFit had saved her life.  She was living again after coming.

And I flippantly say I hate exercise.

Joy's impassioned plea for me to share with others what just trying could do for them moved me to tears.

My next class was "Intro to Weights" - haha.  Circuit training!

The jump.

This is NOT EASY.

Never been a fan of lunges.

Squats?  This was lightweight stuff.

Modified for the broken hand.

Look!  My nail polish matches my shirt!

I had a few hours break, spending time with my 19 year old daughter.  Then back for boot camp at 5pm.

15 minute cardio on the bike...this would have killed me BUT my high-altitude lungs saved the day!!

Then the circuit: 15-10-burnout on 7 stations, with 10 squats/planks/side plants/lunges/jacknifes in between.

Modified pull downs.

With squats

 Bench pressing 130

Followed with planks

I got a little tired...

Modified something's...

Crunches on the ball

My dismount!

Wall ball squats - flipping amazing

Jacknifes.  I fully extended on these-loved it!

I glowed when I was done.

Could barely walk, and my knees were jello.

Strawberry jello.

A sweet workout that kicked me square in the butt.

I loved it.

CrossFit Prescott...I cannot wait.

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